Karen Ingham
Non-Executive Director
Karen joined the Board in 2014. She has an extensive customer services background gained in highly competitive consumer sectors and is extremely people and customer-focused.
In her current role as Global VP for Small Hotel Partners at Expedia and as part of a digital business, Karen brings valuable commercial sales and service experience to the Board in addition to significant insight into culture, diversity and the development of customer benefits using digital technologies.
As an ex-HR Director she also understands employment law and is able to bring this perspective to Board discussions. Her contribution to delivering great customer experiences linked to profitable growth aligns to the Society’s strategy in building impact and long term success.
Karen’s external roles have included Head of Service and Customer Experience Director. She also spent 18 months as HR Director in the construction industry and started her career with 18 years in Financial Services at the Co-operative Bank. Karen is a member of the Chief Customer Officer Forum. She is also a Director of Newcastle Strategic Solutions Limited and a member of the Society’s Group Risk Committee.